Better Know a Library Staffer: Debbie

Here on the blog the other Matchmakers and I share what we are reading, watching, or listening to quite frequently, but we don’t often hear from our other staff members all over the library system. Now, we will be sharing interviews from other staff members so that you the reader can see what we’re reading/watching/listening to all over the Heights Library system!

This interview comes from our Finance Manager Debbie!


What book are you reading at the moment? What are your thoughts on it?

I currently am not in the middle of a book. I’m a newspaper junkie. I buy a Sunday New York Times and it takes me a week to read through the entire paper.

What kind of books do you typically read?

Biographies and fact based crime stories.

Have you ever pretended to have read a book? If so, which one and why?



Which do you prefer: movies or television?

I like both. I’m selective about what I see at the movies but I’ve been known to watch junk on television. Though this summer my family has discovered some really interesting shows on the Smithsonian channel on national parks and Aerial America.

Have you ever binge-watched a show? If so, what was it?

I’ll admit to only doing it once. I had eye surgery and was forbidden to read for 4 days. After a few hours of one of the CSI shows I watched Deadliest Catch. I saw maybe 30 episodes and believe I could set-up and pull in a crab cage.


What kind of music do you enjoy?

Old school rock and roll. Beatles, Eric Clapton, Fleetwood Mac, James Taylor. Also American composers, Aaron Copland and George Gershwin. Though my car radio is always on NPR or the Indians game.

Have you found any new or new-to-you artists/bands lately?

 Adele, Bruno Mars, Hamilton the Broadway cast album.

Do you listen to different music based on the seasons?

Other than holiday music, no.


Thanks Debbie!

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