Better Know a Library Staffer: Ty

Here on the blog the other Matchmakers and I share what we are reading, watching, or listening to quite frequently, but we don’t often hear from our other staff members all over the library system. Now, we will be sharing interviews from other staff members so that you the reader can see what we’re reading/watching/listening to all over the Heights Library system!

This interview comes from our Circulation Manager Ty!


What book are you reading at the moment? What are your thoughts on it?

I am a composer of classical music so I spend a lot of my time “reading” musical scores. I really love American works. I binged on Leonard Bernstein’s MASS last year! Others I love are typically very creative and have an imaginative approach to timbre and gesture. Two scores that leap to mind are George Crumb’s Black Angels, and Gyorgi Ligeti’s Atmospheres.

What kind of books do you typically read?

I do love reading books and poetry. Many of my scores have roots in poetry. I love Arkansas Poet Jo McDougall, Shakespeare, and Samuel Beckett. I really love his abstract use of language. He composed an English version of “Sans” (Lessness) that is so musical and haunting!

I also really enjoy fantastical works for pleasure. That helps keep my creative mind at play. Some of my favorites include Phillip K. Dick, Anthony Burgess, and Edgar Allen Poe. I have always loved Stephen King and am finishing the Mr. Mercedes trilogy right now.


My wife and I binge watched Fringe and Game of Thrones. We also really love Hawaii 5-0, especially in the cold Cleveland winters. We have wonderful memories of our travels there. I also enjoy bio-pics, and recently enjoyed The Imitation Game, and the Theory of Everything.

Thanks Ty!



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