On the Farm

Howdy!  for a great storytime about being on the farm.  We learned about all of the great animals you’d see on a farm and what sounds they make!


“Farmyard Beat” by Lindsey Craig

“Farmer Nat” by Chris L. Demarest

“Charlie the Chicken” by Nick Denchfield

 Click Here to order these Books on the Heights Library Catalog


“Old Macdonald Had a Farm” from Songs for Wiggleworms and Toddler Favorites

“Baa Baa Black Sheep”  from Songs for Wiggleworms and Toddler Favorites

“Five Little Ducks” From 100 Toddler Favorites

“B-I-N-G-O” from 100 Toddler Favorites

“Farmer in the Dell”

“Down on Grandpa’s Farm” from Raffi’s One Light One Sun

“Put a Chicken on your Head” from Mr. Eric and Mr. Michael’s Groovy Green


Five Little Pigs

Five Little Pigs rolled in the mud,
Squish, squash, squish it sure felt good,
The farmer took a pig out, and cleaned him up nice.

Four Little Pigs rolled in the mud,
Squish, squash, squish it sure felt good,
The farmer took a pig out, and cleaned him up nice.

Three Little Pigs rolled in the mud,
Squish, squash, squish it sure felt good,
The farmer took a pig out, and cleaned him up nice.

Two Little Pigs rolled in the mud,
Squish, squash, squish it sure felt good,
The farmer took a pig out, and cleaned him up nice.

One Little Pig rolled in the mud,
Squish, squash, squish it sure felt good,
The farmer took a pig out, and cleaned him up nice.

No little pigs rolled in the mud,
They all looked nice and clean,
The farmer turned his back and what do you know!
All those little pigs jumped back in the mud!


We all made a “Pig of Many Pinks” (idea found from everythingpreschool.com)!  Everyone received a print-out of a picture of a pig.  We laid out all the supplies we had lying around that were pink, including yarn, tissue paper, foam shapes, jewels, pipe cleaners, crayons and more.  Children made collages out of their pigs to give him a pink color.  They turned out beautiful!

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