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Waiting, by Cynthia Tassio

by | Sep 2, 2022 | Art Gallery

Waiting, by Cynthia Tassio

September 1 – 30, 2022

What do we wait for and how do we wait?

I began to contemplate the concept of waiting in 1996 at my parents 50th wedding anniversary party. I thought of them as individuals and as a married couple, who, like us, found themselves waiting for all the events that make a life. I imagined and remembered that they waited sometimes with hope, sometimes confidence and sometimes with great anxiety. This was also about the same time I began painting. Since then I have often wondered why do we wait, how do we wait, where and when do we wait? What and who do we wait for? My women on the benches have helped me understand and answer some of these questions. At the very least, they have kept me company while I wait.

About the artist

Artist Cynthia Tassio has been painting for 27 years. Her work has been in private and juried exhibits. She has experience in oils, pastels, oil pastels, charcoal, collage and acrylics. This exhibit will focus on collage, using chemically altered paper.