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Posts by Carole W
Carole Wallencheck reads fantasy (one of her special loves is Terry Pratchett), fiction dealing with art as well as nonfiction art books along with alternative health and spiritual biography
The Great Outdoors – Adult Summer Reading and Programs

The Great Outdoors – Adult Summer Reading and Programs

Yes, I know you were anticipating golden summer days lounging in the backyard and at the beach, or hiking through the parks and forests. What you got instead was dreary wet weather and chilly nighttime temperatures that have dragged on through the month of June....

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Discuss, Dissect, Digest, Delight

Discuss, Dissect, Digest, Delight

You know that feeling. The one that surfaces as you’re reading a new find or an old favorite. The one that stirs your heart, engages your imagination, and prompts a whole host of fresh ideas. The feeling that makes you blurt out loud (even though you are sitting alone...

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Spinning Silver, Spinning Stories, Spinning Gold

Spinning Silver, Spinning Stories, Spinning Gold

Mention the phrase “fairy tales” and many familiar images spring to mind – a lost glass slipper, a shiny poisoned apple, an enticing gingerbread house. A spinning wheel usually conjures Sleeping Beauty, but it figures largely in another story as well -...

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It’s not too late!

It’s not too late!

Feel like the season has passed you by, you’ve missed out on summer fun, and there’s no time left for travel or excitement? I disagree. Ok, maybe you didn’t plan ahead for that Hawaiian cruise or the walking tour of Tuscany, and instead you stayed home and read in...

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Chocolate and Ashes

This year, the 14th of February is both Valentine’s Day and Ash Wednesday, a conjunction that hasn’t happened since 1945. Whether you tend towards the secular or the spiritual, it is the perfect time as a lover of literature to read Chocolat by Joanne Harris. Set in...

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