Professor Erica Meiners discusses her book, For the Children? Protecting Innocence in a Carceral State, in which the definition of childhood become an ideological state used to push back against resistance and reform.
Slavery and Disability with Jenifer Barclay
Professor Jenifer Barclay discusses how disability and ablism helped shape American ideas of slavery, black bodies, and the medical practice.
Immigration as Racial Exclusion with Reece Jones
Tracing the connections between the Chinese Exclusion laws of the 1880s, the “Keep America American” nativism of the 1920s, and the “Build the Wall” chants of the 2016, Prof. Jones makes the case that American Immigration policy has always been and remains racially motivated.
All Lives Matter Racism with Professor Sang Hea Kil
Professor Sang Kil talks about how “all lives matter” (ALM) has advanced Whiteness in the news.
LGBTQ+ Rights with Joanna Wuest
Joanna Wuest discusses her book, Born This Way: Science, Citizenship, and Inequality in the American LGBTQ+ Movement.
Citizenship Stripping with Amanda Frost
Amanda Frost discusses her book, "You Are Not American: Citizenship Stripping from Dred Scott to the Dreamers." Beginning with Reconstruction,...
Pregnancy in America with Rebecca Grant
Journalist Rebecca Grant author of "Birth: Three Mothers, Nine Months, and Pregnancy in America" discusses her book. She describes the current state...
Cop Fragility and Blue Lives Matter with Frank Rudy Cooper
Professor Frank Rudy Cooper discusses his article, "Cop Fragility and Blue Lives Matter." Professor Cooper discusses how after the rise of Black...
Role-Playing in Police Trainings with Christina Aushana
Christina Aushana discusses her article “Inescapable Scripts: Role-Playing Feminist (re)visions and Rehearsing Racialize State Violence in Police...
Plea Bargaining Bad Deals with Carissa Byrne Hessick
Professor Carissa Byrne Hessick discusses her book, “Punishment Without Trial,” and how plea bargaining has overtaken the criminal justice system
Migrant Suffering and White Democracy with Cristina Beltrán
Prof. Beltrain explains the how Herrenvolk Democracy is useful in understanding White Supremacy and how it transformed into White Democracy.
Black Trans Feminism Liberation with Marquis Bey
Professor Marquis Bey discusses their book, BLACK TRANS FEMINISM in which they argue that how we define, label, and identify ourselves can be a way to embrace freedom and the liberated possible.