Sled riding at the Coventry Peace Park is a popular winter activity for residents of Cleveland Heights and surrounding communities. Not as...
Tenants at Former Coventry School sign new leases
Almost a year to the date that their former leasing arrangement with Heights Libraries expired in December 2021, the tenants of the former Coventry...
7/1/2022: FAQ Part 3: Public Questions Raised at the June 21 Board Meeting
This post answers public questions regarding the Coventry School Building raised at and after the June 21, 2022 Meeting of the Library Board of...
5/27/2022: FAQ part 2: Coventry PEACE Inc. (CPC) and the Coventry School Building
This post answers more recent questions from both CPC and the public about the status of the Coventry School Building. Answers were originally...
FAQ 1: Coventry PEACE Inc. (CPC) Lease of the Coventry School Building
This post clarifies the current status of the Coventry PEACE Inc.'s (CPC) lease of the Coventry School Building, and answers public questions raised...
Heights Libraries’ Lease with Coventry PEACE Inc. not extended
CLICK HERE FOR FULL INFORMATION ABOUT THIS ISSUE. At its Wednesday, December 22 special meeting, the Heights Libraries Board of Trustees voted...
Heights Libraries Investing in Coventry Branch and the PEACE Park
At its May 17 meeting, the Heights Libraries Board of Trustees approved a resolution to advertise for Requests for Qualifications (RFQ) for...
Heights Libraries signs new lease with Coventry PEACE, Inc.
CLICK HERE FOR FULL INFORMATION ABOUT THIS ISSUE. On Friday, October 16, the Cleveland Heights-University Heights Public Library signed a new lease...
Coventry PEACE Campus signs Library’s Letter of Intent
The Cleveland Heights-University Heights Public Library has reached an agreement with its Coventry school building tenant, Coventry Peace Inc....
Negotiations Continue with Coventry PEACE Campus
Heights Libraries and Coventry PEACE Campus continue to negotiate lease terms. The current pandemic has posed additional challenges, and...
Coventry PEACE Campus Financials Update
CLICK HERE FOR FULL INFORMATION ABOUT THIS ISSUE. At the July 20 Board of Trustees meeting, Director Nancy Levin shared a financial summary from...
Heights Libraries’ leases with Coventry tenants expire
CLICK HERE FOR FULL INFORMATION ABOUT THIS ISSUE. On June 30, the leases for the tenants of the Coventry School building at the Coventry PEACE...