The Cleveland Heights-University Heights Public Library is accepting applications for an open board position, with applications due Friday, Nov. 17,...
Library preps for urban mini-forest at Coventry PEACE Park
Beginning this fall, Heights Libraries will partner with Heights Tree People to build a mini-forest behind the Coventry PEACE Building. The Heights...
Heights Libraries hires construction manager for PEACE park and playground renovation
At its Monday, July 17, public meeting, the Heights Libraries Board of Trustees unanimously voted to hire Regency Construction Services Inc. as the...
Cleveland Heights Planning Commission approves revised PEACE Park plans
Heights Libraries is pleased to announce that on Wednesday, May 10, the City of Cleveland Heights Planning Commission approved the Library’s revised...
Meet Misty, the Friendly Library Robot!
It's 2023, and as we continue our journey into the future, some might be wondering, Where are all the robots promised by our favorite sci-fi films...
Paid teen summer internships available at Height Libraries
This summer, the Cleveland Heights-University Heights Public Library will once again provide two paid, six-week technology internships to local...
Repairs to begin on University Heights branch lower level
Heights Libraries will begin repairs this month on the lower level of its University Heights branch, which has been closed since late August 2022....
Library offers new on-demand job search tools
Heights Libraries is offering two new, free, online tools to help customers sharpen their job-search skills and find jobs, with a special emphasis...
FFHL raises funds for Coventry PEACE Park updates
In last month’s Heights Observer issue, Erick Kauffman, a former President of Coventry PEACE and current board member of the Fund for the Future of...
Tenants at Former Coventry School sign new leases
Almost a year to the date that their former leasing arrangement with Heights Libraries expired in December 2021, the tenants of the former Coventry...
Heights Libraries Welcomes New Board Member
The Cleveland Heights-University Heights Public Library is pleased to announce the appointment of its newest board member, Melissa M. Soto-Schwartz....
Library receives grant for skilled-trade job training
Thanks to a grant from the federal Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), awarded by the State Library of Ohio, Heights Libraries will...