Maybe it’s the chill in the air sparking collective historic memories of sitting around thousands of fires, listening to thousands of stories...
Weird Fiction Spotlight: Caitlín R. Kiernan
Weird Fiction is a difficult genre to describe, but you know it when you read it. Stories that get categorized as Weird Fiction often take place in...
The Song of Achilles: A Retelling of an Old Myth
I have read several retelling's of old tales and myths over the past few years, but I cannot think of a better one that I've read than Song of...
Another Thought on Audiobooks
Inspired by Greg’s excellent post about how great audiobooks are (you should read his post if you haven't already), I figured I’d chime in with my...
Fall Feeling
There’s something about Fall- some warm sunny days with crisp cool nights, or cold and foggy mornings, either way it’s the perfect time to curl up...
Black Leopard Red Wolf (The Dark Star Trilogy, Book 1)
Black Leopard, Red Wolf (BLRW) draws from African history, mythology, and religion to present an incredible tale of fantasy and myth. In the lead up...
Spinning Silver, Spinning Stories, Spinning Gold
Mention the phrase “fairy tales” and many familiar images spring to mind – a lost glass slipper, a shiny poisoned apple, an enticing gingerbread...
Chocolate and Ashes
This year, the 14th of February is both Valentine’s Day and Ash Wednesday, a conjunction that hasn’t happened since 1945. Whether you tend towards...
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