James Ellroy’s American Tabloid (Overdrive Ebook) is a relentless, character-driven story set between Nov. 22, 1958, and Nov. 22, 1963, right up to...
Discuss, Dissect, Digest, Delight
You know that feeling. The one that surfaces as you’re reading a new find or an old favorite. The one that stirs your heart, engages your...
Q&A with Varley O’Connor, author of “The Welsh Fasting Girl”
Local author and professor Varley O'Connor sat down to talk with us in anticipation of her appearance at the Coventry Village branch on Wednesday,...
Genre Mashup: Historical Fiction & Mystery
Lyndsay Faye's latest novel, The Paragon Hotel, is as dark and immersive a read as you could hope to find. It is divided into sections labeled...
“Pink”ing of You
Valentine's Day is upon us, need some pink books for the perfect bookstagram photo? Or something to match your Valentine's Day outfit? Check out...
Pride and Prejudice Spin-offs
It is a truth universally acknowledged that there can never be too many retellings of Jane Austen's most popular novel, Pride and Prejudice (Yes, I...
My Favorite 18+ Books of 2018
January is the perfect time to reflect on what we read last year and to compile a list of our favorite books. Below are the titles that made a big...
Light, Pleasant Reading: Georgette Heyer
Ah, the long dark evenings of December. Whenever I wish for a journey to a sunnier time and place, I check out a Georgette Heyer novel from the...
Enlightening Historical Fiction
Jack Ford's compelling, historical novel, Chariot on the Mountain, is based on little known events that took place in Rappahannock County,Virginia...
Historical Fiction: Fiona Davis
What I think about Fiona Davis' latest historical fiction novel, The Masterpiece, is that she chose her timelines well. This is one of those books...
Forever TBR…
Do you ever look at your To-Be-Read List and see things that have been on there for YEARS but you just can't bring yourself to read them right now?...
Historical Fiction: Alison Weir
The book is Jane Seymour, The Haunted Queen. The series is Six Tudor Queens, and if you are up on your English history, you will know that this is...
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