As your child transitions into independent learning and reading, you might notice that they’re what we librarians call a “reluctant reader.” There...
Paid teen summer internships available at Height Libraries
This summer, the Cleveland Heights-University Heights Public Library will once again provide two paid, six-week technology internships to local...
The Book That No One Wanted To Read… is for Everyone
Have you ever wondered what it might be like to be a book stuck on a library shelf? A tome with telepathic powers searches for a reader and along...
What is AI?
This blog post is an introduction to Artificial Intelligence or AI for short. There has been a buzz in the news and online about AI – we'll take a...
How to Survive Your Murder
What’s your favorite scary movie? If you are Alice Lawrence, you may have a problem answering that one. Not because Alice hates scary movies. No,...
Women’s History Month 2023: Historical Fiction by and about Women
March is Women's History Month, and the Matchmakers team has created a list of historical fiction titles by women authors, with women as the heroes...
Storytelling through Math
I must admit, math is not my strong suit. Sometimes kids will come up to the reference desk to ask me for some homework help, and I always panic...
Science Fiction: Mary Doria Russell
Today the Matchmakers team welcomes guest blogger James Rogers, who leads the Pioneers of Sci-Fi Book Club! James writes: I’m a big fan of Science...
Always, Clementine
With Always, Clementine, Carlie Sorosiak delivers a heartfelt tale of wonder that will hold strong appeal for budding animal advocates. A highly...
Library offers new on-demand job search tools
Heights Libraries is offering two new, free, online tools to help customers sharpen their job-search skills and find jobs, with a special emphasis...
Black History Month 2023 Reading List: Fiction for Adults
February is Black History Month, and the Matchmakers have put together a list of suggested Adult Fiction reads by Black authors. Celebrate the...
Take a Super Seat and Read!
Where is your favorite place to sit? What seat do you know the best? When you’re out and about, where do you sit for a rest? Are there enough places...
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