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Cara Byrne, Cleveland Heights

by | Mar 3, 2021 | Coping with COVID-19

My son was born in late March of 2020. Last February, I rushed to take my daughters to all of the places I wouldn’t be able to go with them after the new baby was born. We went to library story times, the art museum, the botanical garden, and to stores – all in preparation for a shift for more time at home as I healed with a newborn. When their baby brother was born a month later, their schools had gone remote, they were no longer able to see grandparents and cousins and friends, and my husband and I weren’t certain if I would have to deliver the baby by myself or if he would be able to accompany me. Despite all of the chaos and uncertainties and losses of the pandemic, all baby August has known during his 11 months is the comfort of home with his stir crazy older sisters and adoring (albeit worried) parents. He is content, curious and happy in this little bubble. A close family member told me last week that they had “forgotten he existed” since they have never met him. That hit hard.