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Library seeks public input on Coventry PEACE Campus

by | Jun 20, 2018 | Coventry PEACE Park

Heights Libraries is surveying the community to gather public input about the Coventry PEACE Campus. The short survey covers topics like safety, sustainability, parking, the playground, and possible improvements to the park. It also encourages community members to write in their own ideas with a variety of open-ended questions.

Take the survey.

The survey is also available on paper at the Library’s Coventry branch. Results will be published in the fall.

The Library is in the process of forming a committee to plan the programming, facilities and future uses of the park. The committee will include representatives from the city, the building’s tenants, PEACE Park representatives, citizens, and Library representatives, and will be involved in creating a master plan and fundraising for Park improvements.

This summer building tenants signed leases with a base rent of $3.50 a square foot and added fees for shared amenities such as wifi and security systems. They have agreed to fund a reserve for the added maintenance and repairs of the building. The Library reports on the expenses and revenues associated with the building every month at their regular board meetings.