Despite the challenges of the COVID lockdowns throughout 2020, The Cleveland Heights-University Heights Public Library qualified for a three-star...
Library chooses CMAR for Noble branch renovation
After a competitive RFP (request for proposal) process, Heights Libraries has hired the Independence Construction-DeGeronimo Companies as the...
Heights Libraries Is Accepting Applications for a New Board Member
Want to Serve Your Community? Heights Libraries Is Accepting Applications for a New Board Member The Cleveland Heights-University Heights Public...
Toy gun incident at Lee Road branch deescalated by security guard
On the afternoon of Thursday, October 6, at the Lee Road branch, a young teen who was currently under eviction from the library tried to enter the...
Flooding at UH Library causes damage, service changes
Beginning Aug. 27, the lower level of the University Heights branch of the Heights Libraries experienced flooding that lasted, off and on, for...
Heights Libraries University Heights Branch Closed Due to Basement Flooding
Curbside Service to begin by Friday The University Heights branch of the Heights Libraries system will remain closed until further notice due to...
Heights Libraries expands its summer internships
As part of its commitment to workforce development, Heights Libraries expanded its internship opportunities for young people this summer. Starting...
Library welcomes new strategic projects manager
Heights Libraries is pleased to welcome the newest member of its management team, Kaela Sweeney. Sweeney is the new strategic projects manager,...
7/1/2022: FAQ Part 3: Public Questions Raised at the June 21 Board Meeting
This post answers public questions regarding the Coventry School Building raised at and after the June 21, 2022 Meeting of the Library Board of...
5/27/2022: FAQ part 2: Coventry PEACE Inc. (CPC) and the Coventry School Building
This post answers more recent questions from both CPC and the public about the status of the Coventry School Building. Answers were originally...
Heights Libraries making progress on new STEAM Lab
The joint makerspace and flexible-learning center will replace rows of desktop computers that inhabited HKIC’s semi-enclosed computer lab, which has...
One year after purchase, Library to begin demolition of Noble Presbyterian Church
Heights Libraries purchased the Noble Presbyterian Church and surrounding property one year ago. The purchase will enable us to expand the Noble...