Google Drive- Documents on the Go

It’s that time of year where most people find themselves traveling for various reasons. The trouble comes when one needs to take their documents with them on a vacation or business travel.

Have no fear for Google Drive is here!

Google Drive is the cloud storage software from Google. It is linked to a Gmail account. But unlike some other cloud storage sites, Google Drive allows users to edit their work, as well as create new documents. Additionally, Google offers an app version of Google Drive so that documents are able to travel with you on tablets and phones.

In order to use Google Drive you will need a Google account or Gmail account. To create a new Google account go to to sign up for free. This account provides access to all Google services such as Gmail and Google Drive.

Open the internet browser and type into the address bar if it is not set as the home page.

On the Google homepage click on the Apps Icon at the top right hand corner of the screen.

The apps icon is the box with six squares.

Then click on the Google Drive icon.

From here, log into the google account to begin using Google Drive. After logging in, the Drive homepage will appear. If this is your first time logging into Google Drive the website will give you a guided tour of Google Drive.

The Google Drive homepage allows you to find and organize all your existing documents. You can create, upload, delete, share, and hide files from this window.

To add a file to Google Drive:

1. Click the My Drive icon

2. Choose Upload Files

3. Navigate to the file on the computer or flash drive and click Open.

In addition to storing existing documents, Google Drive can be used to create, edit, and share new files. Google Documents can be created in several formats: Documents, Presentations, Spreadsheets, Forms, and Drawings. The first three are formats that will be familiar because they are comparable to Microsoft Word, Power Point, and Excel.

A formum files type allows the user to plan events, send a survey, receive, and organized information easily. The Drawing file type is new to Google Drive and allows for a drawing to be created and edited on Google Drive.

To create a new document, go to the Google Drive homepage, click the NEW button and choose the file type.

When the document opens it will contain the settings and tools that will allow you to work on the document the same way you would work on a Microsoft program.

You are ready to take your documents with you or create documents on the go!

For more information on Google Drive sign up begins July 22nd for the August 5th 11 a.m.Google Drive computer class. Click here to see a schedule of computer classes offered in the HKIC.

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