So just what is Reader’s Advisory anyhow?

Reader’s Advisory.  It sounds like weather advisory.  But the weather advisory only tells you bad things, like when it will rain on your parade or that a tornado is rapidly approaching your farm.  Far from that, reader’s advisory is all about good things  It is a service that librarians do to help you find a good book, one that you will enjoy reading much more than you would enjoy going for a ride in a tornado.

There are SO many aspects to finding a good book.  But just remember, there are no wrong answers.  Reading is such a fun and rewarding thing to do that it’s worth finding something that you like.  And there are so many things to read that there is definitely something for you.  We just have to find it!

Librarians like to ask questions, and in reader’s advisory we ask a lot of questions.  We know about the books, but the part we don’t know yet is what you will like.  So we have to ask.  The more you can tell us what you like, the better the chances that we can find something just for you.  Here are some good questions to ask yourself to try to figure out what you like:

Do you like stories that happen in real life?

Do you like stories that are about boys, girls, or it doesn’t matter?

Do you like stories that take place in the present, the past or the future?

These are three big questions that can really quickly get us to something you might like.  Of course there are waaay more books that these questions cover, so be prepared for us to ask you a lot more, too!

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