On Monday, November 7th, 2022, a momentous event is occurring: the first ever gathering of the Noble Picture Book Appreciation Society! In the...
‘Something to Do with Paying Attention’ by David Foster Wallace
This newly published section of The Pale King gives readers a chance to experience David Foster Wallace on a smaller - but no less brilliant -...
First Readers Explained!
First readers, easy readers, leveled readers, beginner readers... they go by many names. These small books play a mighty role in your child’s...
Slice of Life Fiction: Anne Tyler
Sometimes you just want to read a book that feels real, you know? A book that speaks to life as you know it, a book that reveals truths to you about...
Adult Summer Reading: One Week Left!
The Matchmakers are happy to welcome our Adult Summer Reading Coordinators, Jen Mihalik and Adam McConville, as our guest bloggers today! They...
Jack London’s To Build a Fire (or, why you shouldn’t go for a hike in -75 degree temperatures)
When it comes to Jack London, you will mostly hear about his most famous stories, The Call of the Wild and White Fang. I haven't read those stories....
Gilded Age
Gilded Age was published in 2012 and is written by local author Claire McMillan. The novel, set in Cleveland, is a modern retelling of Edith...
Author Spotlight: Nina Crews
With the arrival of her newest work, I'm Not Small, I wanted to take a look back at Nina Crews’ catalog of fantastic photo-illustrated picture books...
Picture Books and Emotional Resilience
Picture books are tools, not just for developing literacy skills, but also emotional skills. Our well-being depends on a set of emotional skills...
Summer Reading: 5-Star Reviews
Summer is flying by, and this year’s Adult Summer Reading Program is in full swing! Your neighbors have been earning raffle entries for reading...
Historical Fiction: Ann Leary
Have you ever read a historical fiction novel that deals with the eugenics movement in the U.S. in the early part of the twentieth century? No, and...
Climate Fiction: A Cli-Fi Reading List
Apocalyptic fiction is not a new genre. One could argue that it is one of literature's oldest genres. Ragnarok. The Revelations of John. The (often...
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