Files saved on a computer are kept on the hard drive, which is fixed inside the tower of a desktop or body of a laptop. There may be times when work must be done on these files using a different computer, such as a school, library or work computer. Storage devices allow for the easy transport of digital files from computer to computer.
Storage devices serve the same purpose as a computer’s hard drive. They provide a space where computer files can be saved. The main difference is that storage devices are external or able to be disconnected from one computer and connected to another. External storage devices can also be used to backup files on a computer in the event of equipment failure or other catastrophes.
External storage devices include:
CDs and DVDs
Flash Drives
External Hard Drives
Each device has pros and cons:
- CDs are slower and able to store fewer files.
- Flash drives are easy to forget or lose.
- External hard drives are larger and less convenient than other methods.
Nevertheless, all of these storage devices make it easier to transport files from computer to computer.