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Heights Libraries Board

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Board Overview

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Board Meeting Audio

The latest board audio is available below.

PLEASE NOTE: There was no quorum on 6-21-2022, so no public meeting took place. Items to be voted on by the board were moved to the July 5 public meeting. Also, a technical malfunction prevented the recording of the January and February 2023 meetings.

Meeting Notices

CHUH Library Board of Trustees

2024 Meeting Calendar

All Meetings are on Mondays at 6:30 p.m. at the Lee Road branch except where noted.

Special Meeting of the Personnel Committee

Monday, December 16, 2024

At 5:30 p.m.
Prior to the Board Meeting at 6:30 p.m.

The Personnel Committee of the Library Board of Trustees will hold a special meeting and executive session for the purpose of discussing personnel.


Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

7:00 p.m.
Lee Road Branch
Administrative Conference Room
2345 Lee Rd.
Cleveland Hts., Ohio

The Library Board of Trustees will hold a special meeting to begin discussions regarding the 2025 DEIA Plan.



Committee Meetings Board Meetings
January 8 January 22
February 5 February 19
March 4 March 18
April 1 April 15
May 6 (Coventry) May 20
June 3 (BEGINS AT 6 P.M.) June 22 (NEW DATE)
July 1 July 15
August 5 August 5
September 9 September 23 (Lee)
October 7 October 21 (Noble)
November 4 (Noble) November 18 (University Heights)
December 2 December 16

Board Members

The following is a list of the current standing members of the Heights Libraries Board.

Vikas Turakhia President
Term Expires: 2024
Annette M. Iwamoto Vice President
Chair, Operations Committee
Term Expires: 2025
Patti Carlyle Secretary
Chair, Planning Committee and External Relations Committee
Term Expires: 2026
Tyler McTigue
Chair, Personnel Committee
Term Expires: 2027
Dana Fluellen
Member, Personnel Committee and Operations Committee
Term Expires: 2028
Melissa Soto-Schwartz
Member, Personnel Committee and Planning Committee
Term Expires: 2029
Hallie Turnberrez
Member, Operations Committee and Planning Committee
Term Expires: 2030
Nancy Levin Director
2345 Lee Rd.
Cleveland Heights, OH 44118
Bus.: 216-932-3600, ext. 1240
Fax: 216-932-0932

Board Minutes

Public Notices

Invitation to Bid
Request for Proposal for Coventry Elementary School Facilities Management & Lease Management Services

Specifications are here.

Additional Documents

Property Manager RFP Bids Received

Request for Qualifications – Noble Road Construction Manager at Risk

Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan Update, December 2022

The following documents have been added.

Strategic Plan Update, November 2022

The following document has been added.

Strategic Plan Update, November 2021

The following documents have been added.

Strategic Plan Update, March 2020

Since 2017, all staff members have been required to create one Strategic Planning Goal each year that falls under one of the four strategic focus areas. In 2019, staff members could choose to create a Strategic Planning Goal or participate in a Community Conversation, as was done in 2016, in order to gather data which would form the 2020-2022 Strategic Plan.

In 2019, 97 percent of staff completed a Strategic Planning Goal or Community Conversation. Community Conversations were conducted using tools provided by The Harwood Institute of Public Innovation. Read the full 2019 Strategic Plan Report here.

Strategic Plan Update, March 2018

In 2016, we surveyed members of the Cleveland Heights and University Heights communities to determine community aspirations, needs, and challenges. Library staff members took notes at community meetings, interviewed community members, and passed out surveys after library events.

After evaluating and analyzing community responses, we found most fell into one of four focus areas:

  • Foster diversity, equity, and inclusion
  • Seek opportunities to promote an environment of safety and security for the community
  • Provide opportunities to positively impact community members’ growth and personal development
  • Be proactive in facilitating communication and be a bridge builder for community concerns

Throughout 2017, Library staff members created work goals that directly aligned with these four areas. Throughout the process, surveys were distributed to measure the impact of initiatives related to our Strategic Focus areas.

Click the infographic on the right to read about the impact of the strategic plan on our community, or watch our video below.


Strategic Plan Update, December 2017

2017 Heights Libraries Facilities Improvements

“Seek opportunities to promote an environment of safety and security for the community” is one of the four focus areas of the Strategic Plan. It may be the hardest area in which to quickly quantify accomplishments. The Strategic Plan Leadership Team developed this list of 2017 facilities improvements at each branch of Heights Libraries. In doing so, we’d like to recognize that many of these accomplishments are due to the hard work of Tim Pasbrig, Facilities Manager; Kevin Echols, Safety Services Manager; and Matt Hoffman, IT Manager.

Coventry Village Branch

  • PERRP Indoor Air Quality Testing performed by BWC Ohio – Found compliant with state of Ohio regulations.
  • Tuck pointing
  • Restrooms remodeled
  • Installed a basin and alarm to prevent further water damage in attic and ceiling
  • Front doors refinished and new kick plates installed
  • Retaining wall around front entrance garden
  • New Coventry Village Branch library sign face installed, frame painted, and updated to LED
  • New shelving in The Shire
  • Hallways scraped and painted in staircase
  • New treads installed on staircases
  • New Spectrum Fiber optic data connection installed
  • Nine staff computers replaced at end of life
  • Updated security software on all cameras and computers with access to footage
  • New cameras installed
    • Handicapped entrance exterior
    • Outside front steps and walk up

Lee Road Branch

  • Drop Zone on Dellwood
  • Replaced locks and card readers for prox tags on interior and exterior doors for access control
  • New bike racks
  • Converted all exterior lighting to LED
  • Converted all interior T-8 bulbs to LED 800
  • New furniture
    • Browsing and AV shelving
    • AV staff desk
    • Tables, chairs, sofas and staff desk in Teen Room
    • Computer furniture in ASD, YSD, Teen, HKIC and lobby, with new power and data lines to support
  • Lobby reorganization
    • Relocated and installed lighting for the 15 minute computers
    • Removed circular countertop around lobby pole
    • Relocated display and literature fixtures
    • Installed new lighting above holds area
  • New partitions in men’s restrooms
  • Replaced four interior doors
  • Contracted a new cleaning company system wide, significant improvements have been noted
  • New Spectrum Fiber optic data connection installed
  • New portable speakers and microphone system added
  • Six self-check computers replaced at end of life
  • Two lobby public computers replaced at end of life
  • Seven staff computers /laptops replaced at end of life
  • Ten new Windows 10 laptops added for mobile classroom
  • Updated security software on all cameras and computers with access to footage
  • New cameras installed in Main Library and HKIC
    • Gallery lounge
    • Second floor seating area
    • YSD computer area
    • Main entrance interior
  • New library sign face installed on HKIC side of Lee Rd, frame painted, and updated to LED
  • HKIC increased staff 20 hours
  • HKIC assessed furniture layout for maximum usability and comfort for patrons
  • Plans in place to bring additional power outlets to the center of the open office area in the HKIC to be completed in January

Noble Neighborhood Branch

  • Exterior lighting project including all parking lot poles, exterior building lights, and front pole lights, all converted to LED with a new timer
  • New Noble Neighborhood Branch library sign face installed, frame painted, and updated to LED
  • New Spectrum Fiber optic data connection installed
  • Ten staff computers replaced at end of life
  • Updated security software on all cameras and computers with access to footage
  • New cameras installed
    • YSD reference desk
    • Rear entrance elevator and vending
    • Basement lobby, restroom and meeting rooms
  • New carpet installed on first floor to eliminate tile tripping hazard
  • New carpet installed on lower level over problematic tile

University Heights Branch

  • Entirely new building and parking lot!
  • Patrons can now enter the building directly from the parking lot
  • New University Heights Branch library sign face installed, frame painted, and updated to LEDRestrooms are available on upper and lower levels
  • Elevator installed to replace the “lift”
  • New Spectrum Fiber optic data connection installed
  • Additional computers in Children and Teen areas added to increase the number of public computers from 19 to 23
  • Two new AWE early literacy stations added
  • Eight staff computers replaced at end of life
  • Two additional new staff computers added
  • Two IP people counters added
  • New portable speakers and microphone system added
  • Added Dewey cart with 42” flat screen TV and new portable projector added for presentations
  • Second Self-check station added in the basement
  • New cameras (all digital IP) installed
    • Parking lot – four view Omni camera
    • Employee entrance
    • Children’s reference desk
    • Teen room
    • Outside main entrance
    • Main hall first floor
    • Lower level main hallway
    • Basement hall west
    • Basement hall south
    • Library front
    • Basement stairs west
    • Circulation desk
  • Interior and exterior access control panels installed


Strategic Plan Update, August 2017

Click for full infographic

In 2016, we surveyed members of the Cleveland Heights and University Heights communities to determine community aspirations, needs, and challenges. Library staff members took notes at community meetings, interviewed community members, and passed out surveys after library events.

After evaluating and analyzing community responses, we found most fell into one of four focus areas:

  • Foster diversity, equity, and inclusion
  • Seek opportunities to promote an environment of safety and security for the community
  • Provide opportunities to positively impact community members’ growth and personal development
  • Be proactive in facilitating communication and be a bridge builder for community concerns

Library staff members have created work goals that directly align with these four areas. Throughout the process, surveys will be distributed to measure the impact of initiatives related to our Strategic Focus areas.

Here are a few examples:

  • Create bookmarks and displays in AV and Graphic Novels on topics such as refugees, African American directors, LGTBQ graphic novels, and others.
  • Develop a “Community Conversations” program featuring speakers such as the mayor, police department, and Heights Community Congress to have focused conversations on community needs, inclusion, and diversity.
  • Oversee implementation of new collections to guarantee a smooth transition, making borrowing easier for customers and staff.
  • Work with the Diversity Center to bring a series of sessions on different diversity issues to library staff and management.
  • Prepare University Heights building for opening by filling in scope left by the architect: parking lot signage, install small utility pieces, and moving stored items back into the building.
  • Build bridges and increase the perception of safety by hosting forums with teens, security staff, and police officers
  • Put into practice the new slogan: “We’re here for you, wherever you are!”
  • Create pilot project of limited number of loaning laptops for use in the building.
  • Increase outreach and expand to non-traditional settings.
  • Work with security staff and police on safety-based workshops for community members and staff.
  • Create a handbook including phrases in a variety of community appropriate languages.
  • Form a task force to examine ways in which to improve the media lab for customers.
  • Coordinate a self-defense series for children.
  • Establish an ongoing English as a Second Language Conversation Group program.
  • Develop a resume toolkit for staff and customers.


Strategic Plan Update, February 2017

Click to view full-sized image

At the January 23 board meeting, Heights Libraries Trustees approved our next two-year strategic plan. This is more of an immediate action road map, a dynamic guide to making priority decisions than a plan meant to sit on a dusty shelf. We mean business. And since it will guide all we do, we think it best to share with everyone and invite them to join us in our work.

Throughout most of 2016, the entire library staff engaged the community in surveys and interviews to find out what their own goals and aspirations are. These we included in our planning and you will find that we have turned our thinking about the library outward toward what our community needs.

Strategic goals for 2017-2018

  • Foster diversity, equity, and inclusion
  • Seek opportunities to promote an environment of safety and security for the community
  • Provide opportunities to positively impact community members’ growth and personal development
  • Be proactive in facilitating communication and be a bridge builder for community concerns

As we formalize what steps we will take to reach these goals, we will communicate with you, our community members.

In the meantime, talk to us.

How do you think we should be fulfilling these four goals? What is your dream for our community? I’d love to hear from you. Please feel free to email me at and use the subject line: Strategic Plan.


Strategic Plan Update, March 2016

Click to view full-sized infographic

This spring and summer, as part of its strategic planning process for 2016–17, the Cleveland Heights-University Heights Public Library System will be gathering information from community members regarding their aspirations for themselves and their community.

Heights Libraries will gather the data in a variety of ways. Some staff will attend public community meetings, including those of city councils and local civic organizations, to take notes on the concerns that residents raise. Other staff will conduct brief interviews with residents, local business owners, and those who work in our community; and hand out surveys at community events and library programs.

Once collected, library staff will analyze the information, looking for patterns and trends to help guide the next phase of the strategic plan.